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温迪密切 温迪密切 心理学 副教授 电子邮件: 温迪.close@tayhgd.net 电话: 414.443.8701



  • Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • M.A. 罗耀拉University-芝加哥
  • B.A. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


I feel very blessed to be able to do what I love, which is to teach psychology. When I’m not prepping for classes or mentoring student reSearchers, you’ll find me trying to stay abreast on the most recent reSearch in the scholarship of teaching and learning or following various psychology related blogs for innovative ideas and new findings. To think, I get paid for this! 

在个人层面上, the majority of my time right now is spent cheering on my three kids at their various sports and school activities and trying not to forget anyone anywhere! 除了, I enjoy reading (especially historical fiction) and somewhat spontaneous travel with my family and friends.        


  • PSY 101 – Introduction to 心理学
  • PSY 300 -变态心理学
  • 鸟叔390 -社会心理学
  • PSY 411 – Experimental 心理学
  • PSY 490 – Psychological Testing


My reSearch interests lie in the area of better understanding motivation as it relates to achievement and well-being, from a social psychological perspective. 具体地说, why do some kids persist in the face of obstacles and what are the factors that facilitate this type of resilience? Why is the same event viewed as a threat to some, but a challenge to others? 对我来说, Dweck’s theory of mindset coupled with self-determination theory and social cognitive theory as well as developing reSearch on GRIT provide a framework for better understanding these questions and also inform my practice within the classroom.



2011-2012: Faculty perspectives on collaborating with students on reSearch. Thelma Hunt ReSearch Grant: Role: PI

2011: Capstone Courses and Program Portfolios in Undergraduate 心理学. Society for the 教学 of 心理学 Promoting Partnership Grant: Role: (Co-PI)


近,W. & 索,V. S.  (2008).  Predicting achievement, distress, and retention among lower-income Latino youth.  Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72, 31-42. 

霍华德,K. A., 近,W.布卢斯坦,D. L., & 索,V. S.  (2002).  Career Development in the Schools: Connecting Self-to-School-to-Work.  咨询心理学家.

索,V. S., 近,W.梅斯,A.  (2001).  Promoting Success Pathways for Middle and High  School Students.  在D. 阿特金森 & C. Juntenen (Eds.), 辅导策略.  纽贝里,加州:鼠尾草.  

盖伍德,M. & 近,W.  (2001).  Identifying the Mental Health Needs of Foster Children.  Child Psychiatry and Human Development, Winter.


近,W.  (2012年8月).  心理学 faculty perceptions of collaborating on reSearch with undergraduate students.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.   

约翰逊,J.图斯肯尼斯,A., 接近, W., & Wesner K.  5月(2012).  STP顶点项目.  Roundtable Discussion of the 教学 of Undergraduate 心理学 of the Midwest Psychological Association, 芝加哥, IL. 

约翰逊,J. E., 接近, W.图斯肯尼斯,A.  (2012年8月).  The society for teaching of psychology capstone project:  Capstone Effectiveness and Resource Page  Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL

Appleby D., 近,W.风筝,M.马什,P.彼得森,J。.图斯肯尼斯,A., & Wesner K.  (2011年5月).  在J. 约翰逊(椅子).  Preliminary report from the Capstone Project for Undergraduate 心理学.   Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, 芝加哥, IL. 

约翰逊,J. E.风筝,M., 近,W., & Tuskenis,.  (2011年8月).  Capstone experience in undergraduate psychology:  Report from the Capstone Project team.  Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

近,W. & Cinamon G. (2011年8月).  Future constructions among American youth.  Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

近,W.  (2010).   亲爱的博士. Rosenhan:  Introducing introductory students to psychological reSearch through letter writing.  Poster session presented at the National Institute for the 教学 of 心理学, St. 彼得堡,FL.

近,W., 索,V.博尔特,J.霍华德,K.肉桂,R.  (2008).  Anticipated work family conflict and work family facilitation in college students.  Poster session presented at the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

近,W., Cinamon R.琼斯,J.索尔伯格,V.霍华德,K.  (2008).  Multinational study of women’s anticipated challenges in balancing work and family roles and health.  Paper presented at International Counseling 心理学 Conference, 芝加哥.


  • 心理学系主任
  • Chair of the School of Behavior and Exercise Science
  • 学术事务
  • Psi Chi -教职员共同赞助人
  • Psi Chi Undergraduate Poster Reviewer for Midwest Psychological Conference
  • Ad-Hoc Reviewer for the 教学 of 心理学
  • Licensed Psychologist, State of Wisconsin  


  • Member of the American Psychological Association – Division 2 教学 of 心理学
  • Member of the Association for Psychological Science
  • Member of the Midwest Psychological Association